The Pitaya otherwise known as Dragonfruit is an exotic tropical fruit that grows on a cactus plant. It seemed surprising that a cactus would be growing and doing well in the rainforest, but I was assured by the nursury owner whom I bought the Dragonfruit from that it will do well out at Fieldhouse Farm. A beautiful spot was found for it in the rock garden that surrounds one of the farms many old Ohia trees.
The flowers of the dragon fruit plant only bloom at night and usually only live for one night. Pollination happens at this time to allow the fruit to emerge. The flowers of the dragon fruit give out a very beautiful scent, and the smell can fill the night air wherever the plant grows.
The fruit is eaten by scooping out the flesh. It is best served chilled.
Dragonfruit is very high in Vitamin C and therefore, an excellent immune booster. Dragonfruit is also noted for being able to lower blood glucose levels in Type 2 diabetes. The red fleshed varieties contain lycopene which is a natural antioxidant known to fight cancer, heart disease, and lower blood pressure.