Banana is on the far left of the picture and bamboo to the right of it. Jeffrey was digging in this area to clear a space and hit water. Both banana and bamboo are heavy feeders so he decided this would be their home, where they will be able to drink up all the rain the forest has to offer. It's been a total wonder how the host forest has had such a large role in helping to design Fieldhouse Farm. I was amazed while clearing the grass to uncover natural little pockets forming around the volcanic rock, suggesting to me, here is where you can put a nice tree. The bamboo is LOVING the host forest, in less than a week new shoots are sprouting out of them. There are endless uses for bamboo. I see these new bamboo trees playing a role in the creation of a yoga studio. What a wonderful way to co-create a loving eco- environment. Speaking of Eco - Danielle and Jeffrey's cat, named Eco, has been out to supervise the planting and she gives two paws up to the forest and it's many wonders.
I discovered an interested fact today. Danielle, who has been instrumental in helping me launch Fieldhouse Farm was born on July 30th. The same day as my Dad, Paul Fieldhouse Fenton for whom I have named this endeavor. Coincidence? ... there are no coincidences. Isn't life so fun?
Update - April 29, 2010 ...The Bananas and bamboos needed a lot of water during the January/February dryspell, but we keeped them watered with water from the catchment - they really loved the heavy rains that followed in March and April.. we also surrounded them with piles of green waste. Looking good..!