We have prepared a pile of pineapple crowns ready to be planted. In order to prepare the crown for propagation, its lower leaves are peeled off to expose the root. The pineapple plant will only produce fruit once, and so to yield a new crop, you must continually use the crown after eating the fruit to replant. Pineapple is not only delicious, but also a valuable source of digestive enzymes. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in raw pineapple. It may help with damaged protein (internal scars) and may speed the healing rate of bruises.
Update - April 29, 2010 .. There were about 30 pinapple crowns that were planted after peeling back the leaves to expose the root back in October. Most of them have not rooted. However, there were several pinapple crowns that had been further prepared by soaking the exposed roots in water and waiting for offshoots - those are doing very well.