Noni plant (Morinda citrifolia) can be reproduced by either sexually or asexual methods. It can be grown from seed or be propagated by means of stem cuttings. For the first plantings, we're going the route of growing from stem cuttings. The stick you see in the photo is a stem cutting from a Noni. Doesn't look like much right now, but someday visitors to Fieldhouse farm will see healing Noni Trees along the driveway.
It is interesting and wonderful how so many are rediscovering Mother Nature's apothecary. Used by Polynesian healers for thousands of years, the Noni tree bears fruit 365 days a year. This makes me stop to wonder if that means that it is good to use Noni everyday. My intuition tells me yes, if the Tree is making it available that frequently then there you have it.
The benefits of Noni are many. It is an excellent way to keep your internal organs cleansed. Drinking just 1-2 ounces of juice a day is sufficient for a healthy person. Noni has the ability to stimulate our bodies to produce serotonin, another way, like with the cacao to boost your mood. The drug companies will have you taking Prozac, the Gods and Goddesses offer heavenly fruits grown naturally and sustainably.
Xeronine found in Noni helps to repair protein cells. Scopoletin, also found in Noni has has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The entire endocrine system gets a boost from Noni which has beneficial effects on the pineal gland, the thymus gland, the pancreas, adrenal glands and both male and female sex organs.
In my opinion, Noni is not one of the most delicious fruits (it smells a bit like dirty feet), however, if you only need to take an ounce a day and there are so many benefits - why not. I've chugged much worse things in my day (for perhaps just a fleeting buzz :-)
Update - April 29, 2010 --- Unfortunately, we have not had much luck with the Noni - the cuttings died and as of yet, we have not been able to grow from seed. Fieldhouse Farm may be at too high an elevation for growing Noni . but stay tuned we'll keep trying, until then it's not a long drive to go to the coast where Noni grows abundantly